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Mar 1st 2021
Permafrost thaw is about WAY more than carbon and climate. From impacting caribou to mobilizing mercury and legacy arsenic from gold mining, many thaw impacts are not conceptualized yet let alone understood. Below shows how pockmarks of thaw can consume entire forests. 1/ Photograph of wet thaw features within permafrost forest.
How can permafrost thaw consume whole forests or trigger landslides? The answer is simple yet so complex. Ground ice. Thaw of ice-rich permafrost causes drama. Peek inside permafrost to view gorgeous ice wedges in Alaska's #permafrosttunnel. Stunning. 2/
Ground ice content in the permafrost drives what happens after thaw. Check out this awesome visualization. On the left is what happens when ice-rich permafrost warms up. The literal backbone of the Arctic disappears. 3/
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