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May 22nd 2022
It's almost Literature exam time! One of the biggest barriers to student success is the unknown element. You can't prepare your students for every single possible question, but you can arm them with knowledge that can be used to answer a range of different questions. Thread ๐Ÿงต
Distil this bad boy down to one word: inequality. I have not yet come across an exam question that could not be answered by focusing on the inequality presented in the play.
Class? Smashed it
Gender? Donesies
Characters? The dunk has been slammed
Of course, you need a little more than just inequality. Which is where our old pal stagecraft comes in.
Priestley's use of "brighter and harder" isn't just a catchy quotation. Bertolt Brecht was a proponent of the use of white light to illuminate the truth.
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