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Feb 16th 2020
River Prachi attracted almost all the religions
of India like Buddhism, Jainism, and cults like Shaivism, Vaishnavism, Shaktism,
Ganapatya, Saura, etc in the Hindu pantheon.
#PrachiValley (1/n)
works like Prachi Mahatmya, Sarala Mahabharata, Kapila Samhita, Sunya
Samhita, Padma Purana, Vishnu Purana, Brahma Purana etc referring to this river nd raise its status nd sanctity. Prachi is short term for Prachi Saraswati, means Eastern Saraswati.
#PrachiValley (2/n)
As per Prachi Mahatmya, The river emerged from the Hermitage of Kapila Muni, which is now identified with the place Kapileswar and proceeded for 12 miles before meeting the sea. Though scholars differ on the source saying it might in the Eastern Vindhya.
#PrachiValley (3/n)
Read 8 tweets
Feb 15th 2020
The #PrachiValley is an area of about 600 sq. km spanning across four districts of Odisha: Puri, Khurdha, Cuttack and Jagatsinghpur.
#PrachiValley has seen rise and fall of civilizations, religions, regimes across the ages – from mythical times to almost the 17th century.
#PrachiValley is dotted with temples and monuments belonging to Shaiva, Vaishnava, Shakta, Bauddha and Jaina religions. While many of them are in ruins, many others are not yet discovered.
Read 41 tweets

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