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Jan 4th 2020
I'm an Iraqi American and I've seen a lot of miss-information and contradictory reporting on the #WorldWarThree situation unfolding in the middle east. Here is a thread on what is going on and why we need to de-escalate the situation.
I'm going to start with who Soleimani is in the middle east. In Iran, he is seen as a war hero, and highly ranked within the military. He was the leader of Hizbulah- a military group of people that was established in Iraq to fight Isis. (it's related to the Hizbula in Lebanon
but not the same.) When the U.S. invaded Iraq in 03, they overthrew Saddam Hussein's government which resulted in a Shia government. The Shia govenment is backed by Iran politically and religiously. So most if not all of the Iraqi government is made up of former Irani military
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