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@GavinNewsom When I was 13, in 1969 #preRoe, my mother died of a ruptured appendix. Within 2 months of her death, my father violently attacked me and raped me. Instead of getting my period, like all my classmates, I got pregnant. I didn’t know what he was doing.I was forced to carry his baby Image
@GavinNewsom Now, here we are again?!! Children will suffer the unimaginable. I was sent from Ga to NY state to a nunnery/ orphanage and locked up like an animal in sweltering heat.These places further abuse. He told them I was a slut. No, I stayed quiet to avoid death. Hear me, girls died 😡 ImageImage
@GavinNewsom I am furious over this despicable, monstrous way of treating children of rape and incest. Who was I to call?!! Evidently, the evidence is now a 53 year old man. I am 67. If he’s alive, I’ll never know. A nurse in the delivery room was kind enough to tell me he was a boy.
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