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Feb 3rd 2022
This is going to be an unpopular take but I strongly believe that Azam Khan still doesn't deserve a place in this @IsbUnited side. Let's look at the numbers (a thread).
#PSL7 #PSL2022 #QGvIU #IUvQG @haseebfaruki @Saqibca @mediagag @Rehan_ulhaq
On the face of it, Azam scored 65 in 35 balls @ 185.71. But if you break it down

Bowler Runs Balls S.R
Nawaz 2 3 66.67
Faulkner 11 8 137.5
Afridi 38 10 380
Tanvir 5 7 71.43
Naseem 9 7 128.57
So, in essence, Azam only played a blinder against Afridi, who had a terrible outing with the ball and kept putting the ball in hitting zones. In fact if you take out Afridi's numbers, Azam only scored 27 off 25 balls @ 108 against the rest.
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