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So what's the difference between nutritional psychiatry and metabolic psychiatry?🧵(1/6)
#Metabolicpsychiatry is a subfield that focuses on the assessment and treatment of metabolic dysfunction as a means to improve #mentalhealth. (2/6)
There is a complex but crucial relationship between #metabolic dysfunction, food, and mental health. (3/6)
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The Bazuki Metabolic Neuroscience Initiative supported by @BaszuckiGroup means good things for mental illness and neurological disorders. This is a thread to learn more. 🧵 (1/7) #neuroscience #metabolism #metabolicpsychiatry
@BaszuckiGroup The initiative will have three arms: clinical, mechanistic, and computational, and will serve as a hub for coordinating funding and research in this area. (2/7) #brainhealthmatters #research #neuroscience
@BaszuckiGroup The initiative will also conduct its research in these three areas, including foundations, Frontiers, and Technology development. (3/7) #research
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Just FYI to the Bogus #BehaviouralHealthOpsters out there who like to project that everything is a "health crisis" from which people are "recovering" and need "healing" and "therapy" from: #PsychiatryCrime #SpyStateCrime #Spychiatry cannot be hidden ANYMORE & is #BeingExposed!👹
7:31 pm: Direct response to this tweet from the Opsters right next door calling out (they do this Only when Spychiatry is exposed at my pen, on social media, online on my Bentley logs, or in an article & in real time) to their conveniently named dog. Luna! Luna! Luna! Luna! Luna!
And since it appears #Spychiatry is such an elemental subject provoking immediate attention, may they all be warned: I am now at the #Spychiatry Desk, and the endless stream of subject flowing in is sure going to keep me busy!
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This #WorldMentalHealthDay we take a look at The Hindu's stories highlighting the importance of mental health. Image
#WorldMentalHealthDay | Poor #mentalhealth amongst employees costs Indian companies a combined $14 billion a year due to absenteeism, attrition and other reasons, Deloitte estimated in a report after surveying almost 4,000 workers.
#WorldMentalHealthDay | Taking up a sustainable and holistic approach that involves the community, Actor #DeepikaPadukone’s #LiveLoveLaugh (LLL) Foundation has launched a rural mental health programme in #Tiruvallur district on Saturday.
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@_pem_pem Why this is nonsensical: "Jeffrey Lieberman, a professor of #psychiatry at Columbia University...“The problems that they’ve been criticized for have more to do [with] the way they’re used by doctors & the heterogeneity of the condition that they’re indicated for.” /1
@_pem_pem What Lieberman is saying is that if #antidepressants were prescribed to a population for which they are known to work well, they would have a much better track record. This is true, because it is a tautology. /2
@_pem_pem The reasoning is circular, if #antidepressants were prescribed for those people for whom the drugs worked, they would work. /3
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#war #Kyiv #Ukraine #Russia Collecting all reports thread; Ukraine's operational command says "cruise and ballistic missile strikes are underway at the control centres in Kyiv" from @lukeharding1968 Friends report explosions in #Kyiv, #Odessa #Kharkiv #Mykolaev thread, add info
Targets include airfields and military headquarters, operational command says
"Distant crumps - soft explosions - reported from west Kyiv, towards the airport. Not Cruise missiles, i think, but sounds like an attack on the airport." @JohnSweeney
Read 2780 tweets
Monoamine hypothesis aka "chemical imbalance" & other synonyms, arose circa 1965, but was known to only #psychiatrists, who were unhappily prescribing TCAs and MAOIs to a niche market. Patients hated the many adverse effects of the drugs. /1
Until mid-1990s, monoamine hypothesis (aka "chemical imbalance", "serotonin deficiency" etc.) was not circulating as a "folk model", not in medicine or in the general public. 1990 is ~center of this chart, when #psychiatrists, many paid by pharma, started churning out papers. /2
As a meme or "folk model", monoamine hypothesis (aka "chemical imbalance", "serotonin deficiency", "neurohormone imbalance", etc.) was diligently planted by dozens of #psychiatrists -- not a few -- many paid by pharma. Not something that arose organically out of nowhere. /3
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Trigger warning- Will try keep this short. Uncovering the scale of medical gaslighting and corporate corruption. Who teaches our doctors to dismiss medically unexplained symptoms as hysteria?

Lynn Turner- MUS management PowerPoint, Kings College London ImageImageImage
She also developed the GAS-light model as way of determining which treatments were worth trialling ie cost effectiveness - gauging effectiveness based on patient set goals for graded assessment. If we set the goals, its not on them if the treatments aren't effective, it's on us. ImageImage
Michael Sharpe is a psychiatrist&an author of the fraudulent #PACETrial. He does consulting work for insurance companies & advises them that #ME is a mental health disorder. Here he consulting for Swiss Re, classifying #LC as 'health anxiety'-
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I was harmed by #CBT/GET not bc I was forced into the torture (aka #MEcfs) Clinics but bc lack of education meant #NHS Dx me w/ Depression as cause of #PEM, #BrainFog & debilitating #Fatigue and was then traumatised by #Psychiatrists who told me I was to blame 1/
I was a happy, successful, yoga pant wearing, posh gym attending, green juice drinking, extroverted Californian forced to undergo #CBT w/ stern British #Psychiatrists. I wasn’t Depressed until I met them, temporarily saved by acceptance into @BerkeleyHaas MBS program 2/
MBA life is hectic, exhilarating & inspiring. In remittance, I love people & Academics so got involved in everything. For 2nd year, I got a position teaching undergrad Business. An income meant I moved into nicer apartment, flew business clothes to NYC for Reuters internship 3/
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I am ready to talk about the #silencing of over 25,000 psychologists in Australia with regards to the safeguarding of children. We are threatened, harassed, coerced to provide only one #therapy to children or else! They tried to force me into this I said NO. Any journalists???
I am ready to talk to journalists, lawyers, bloggers and am now writing a book on this topic/issue. I am ashamed of my colleagues and the board who wilfully ignore the immature prefrontal cortex, the autistic brain, and their own ethics and guidelines #rogd #gender #transgender
I have not been able to speak openly about this until now as I have been continually #silenced, harassed, threatened, coerced by other #psychologists #therapists, my board, governing agencies and other professionals. It’s time to reveal what is happening to clinicians worldwide
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"It is now well-established that most pediatric #antidepressant trials were #industry-sponsored & had serious methodological limitations; many trials remained unpublished due to unfavorable results, "

#Children: the sacrificial lambs of capitalism.…
"& those published were mostly ghost-written, selectively reported efficacy outcomes & misrepresented the true rate of treatment-emergent #suicidal events"

Those that claim to care about your health allow #pharmacological & #psychological experimentation on #children & #youth.
"in most countries #antidepressant use has considerably increased in #children & #adolescent over the last 10–15 years (11–13), despite #suicidality warnings, the serious limitations of the evidence-base, & ongoing controversies surrounding risks [] [and] #placebo response."
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@sash_andy @samwoolfe @lisa63artist @jonathanstea @bmj_latest @hrw @C4Dispatches @gmcuk Sam, please note 3 Blind Psychs whining that there are real, serious flaws that need attention in #psychiatry but they are prevented from addressing them because dings from "anti-psychiatry" patients (on Twitter, no less) hurt their feelings. What does this say about the doctors?
@sash_andy @samwoolfe @lisa63artist @jonathanstea @bmj_latest @hrw @C4Dispatches @gmcuk The epithet "anti-psychiatry" directed at patients is nothing but ad hominem from clinicians who have no intention of bringing patients into the discussions of improving clinical care. (This is #psychiatry we're talking about, the science of human emotion.)
@sash_andy @samwoolfe @lisa63artist @jonathanstea @bmj_latest @hrw @C4Dispatches @gmcuk The argument that people are dissuaded from necessary #psychiatric treatment by purported "anti-psychiatry" is intellectually dishonest on so many levels.

1) #Psychiatric prescribers report being swamped by demand for their services; they plead for additional prescribers. /1
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UK woman tapering paroxetine: "After 18 years of stupor—of emotionless head fog, of sleeping 14 hours a day, of apathy—I’m succeeding in getting off the #antidepressant Seroxat." /1…
After reducing to 7mg paroxetine: "I spent the first half of 2019 in continual, breathless, agitated terror.
I couldn’t sit still, and my constant squirming made my partner cry. I suspect I had something I’ve since found out is called #akathisia."…
"Within days of that first panic attack in January [2109], I decided to stop tapering the Seroxat and stay on the same 7mg dose. I got in touch with my GP to tell her what had happened.

I was referred to the local mental health crisis team." /3…
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@psychunseen: "...if the goal of anti-psychiatry is to get #psychiatrists to listen...this is better done within a therapeutic relationship, not in a picket line at the American Psychiatric Association annual meeting or on social media" apparently refers to me personally. /1
I thought it stood out as particularly illogical in his most recent screed…

Who pickets the APA other than Scientology?
Then I recalled I had attended an APA meeting where there were pickets. I did not do any picketing myself, but I was invited to speak outside:

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@psychunseen @AllenFrancesMD @awaisaftab @pash22 @dawso007 @evolutionarypsy @dranniehickox @sameerjauhar @jonathanstea @CoyneoftheRealm @jack_turban @drjessigold @amybarnhorst @KazJNelson @MarkLRuffalo @tylerblack32 @SameiHuda @paulsummergrad @wendyburn @cadoganhealthc1 @DrWinarick Joe, you still don't get it: "If there’s a lesson to be learned from anti-psychiatry, it’s that not all of our patients are satisfied customers and they deserve to be heard. But.... listening to feedback with empathy is part of [a #psychiatrist's] routine daily clinical work."
@psychunseen @AllenFrancesMD @awaisaftab @pash22 @dawso007 @evolutionarypsy @dranniehickox @sameerjauhar @jonathanstea @CoyneoftheRealm @jack_turban @drjessigold @amybarnhorst @KazJNelson @MarkLRuffalo @tylerblack32 @SameiHuda @paulsummergrad @wendyburn @cadoganhealthc1 @DrWinarick The problem patients injured by #psychiatric treatment face is that #psychiatrists & other physicians DON'T UNDERSTAND the feedback they get from patients. No amount of empathy is produce acknowledgement & treatment of injury rather than "relapse"!
@psychunseen @AllenFrancesMD @awaisaftab @pash22 @dawso007 @evolutionarypsy @dranniehickox @sameerjauhar @jonathanstea @CoyneoftheRealm @jack_turban @drjessigold @amybarnhorst @KazJNelson @MarkLRuffalo @tylerblack32 @SameiHuda @paulsummergrad @wendyburn @cadoganhealthc1 @DrWinarick @psychunseen, your writings will go down in history as an example of what we might call the anosognosia of #psychiatry towards adverse iatrogenic effects of #psychiatric treatment.

Thanks for that, at least. Fodder for future PhDs.
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Please explain to me what "relationship" means in:

"Unfortunately, some patients who identify with being harmed by psychiatry have given up on finding that kind of relationship and instead attempt to find meaning in identity as an injured party." /1…
I think "give up on finding that kind of relationship" may mean: "stopped deferring to the expertise of #psychiatrists in defining their reality". A crime, apparently. Also disregards that if a patient is injured, it's not an identity, it's a fact, not to be "negotiated" away. /2
This further suggests authors of this article believe injured patients are willingly injured -- perhaps somaticizing? -- rather than being the unwilling victims of an accident of fate brought on by #psychiatric treatment, which is known even by #psychiatrists to have pitfalls. /3
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I'm in a particularly bad mood about the delusions of #psychiatry having spent the last week analyzing the case histories of 70 people with #antidepressant post-acute withdrawal syndrome #PAWS: duration 5-166 months, median 29.5 months. Lots of #psychiatrists involved. /1
5/70 reported recovered, 2 reported suicides. One suicide, better after 69 months of #PAWS, had an adverse reaction to an antibiotic that threw her back into the depths of withdrawal. The other, a 21-year-old woman, because of 38 months of post-SSRI sexual dysfunction #PSSD. /2
The 63 for whom I do not have reports of recovery from antidepressant post-acute withdrawal syndrome #PAWS or suicide have mostly been lost to follow-up. After years of reporting grueling symptoms, they didn't come back to tell us how they were doing. I hope they did recover.
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1/4 I started advocacy work years ago after my teen was #prescribedharm & died an avoidable, #akathisia-induced death. Initially, I thought prescribers, medical & #suicide organizations needed to be made aware that prescribed harm & iatrogenic "suicides" are not rare occurrences.
2/4 Soon I learned that most of these organizations & prescribers already knew they were promoting & prescribing harm & death. Trusting consumers who took the pill-pushers' products didn't know they were taking part in a Russian Roulette game, but many of the drug pushers knew.
3/4 Research about #akathisia-induced violence & #iatrogenic death has been available for decades. @DrDavidHealy's work was well known among prescribers, particularly #psychiatrists, long ago. Ditto for the #SSRI clinical trial deaths, mounting body bags & wrongful death cases.
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Public statement of American #Psychiatric Association (APA) October 15, 2004:

"'The American Psychiatric Association believes that #Antidepressants save lives.'

This was perhaps the first professional suicide note in history...."…
"The American #Psychiatric Association statement should have read:

‘The American Psychiatric Association believes that #Psychiatrists save lives.

...we need to restore the professionalism it takes to manage risky drugs appropriately.'"… /2
"If [#psychiatric drugs] aren’t risky & things go wrong, it must be the prescribers who are risky. And if the prescribers are risky, they need to be constrained within guidelines and protocols...."… /3
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Another very interesting interview by @awaisaftab with "Peter Zachar, PhD., current President of the Association for the Advancement of Philosophy and Psychiatry. His primary area of scholarship is philosophical issues in psychiatric classification."…
"Aftab: Your discussion of the bereavement exclusion debate in DSM-5 was very illuminating. I don’t think a lot of people realize that there was agreement...that grief-triggered depressions are clinically similar to all other stress-triggered depressions." /1
Aftab, continued "So, there were 3 options: keep the exclusion for grief in place, eliminate the exclusion, or extend the exclusion to all other stress-triggered depressions. The first option was recognized as conceptually inconsistent...." /2
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Articles from @nayadaurpk for your weekend reading pleasure.

1. Searching for an executioner — @NadeemfParacha on the execution of Z A Bhutto and the case that was used to eliminate him.…
2. @Tariq_Bashir on how NAB law directly contradicts the fundamental principle of ‘innocent unless proven guilty’ granted under Pakistan’s constitution. And it needs to be repealed.…
3. @MuhammadZiauddi explains Pakistan’s 70-year-old dilemma of choosing between an overvalued rupee and a free floating exchange rate. It is a #mustread on Pakistan’s economic history and #policy choices it made.
#nayadaur #reading
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