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Dec 3rd 2019
On Oct10 you wrote to me: "As indep advisor I will not be giving a running commentary on Corbyn, Williamson , Rees Mogg or anyone else." Nov 15 on your time line you commented on an individual case of a Tory candidate you deemed to be antisemitic. What's going on? @LordJohnMann
@LordJohnMann If you are in fact commenting on individual cases, could you please comment on Suella Braverman, Crispin Blunt, Toby Young, Priti Patel, Toby Young, Rees-Mogg and Dominic Cummings. Look forward to reading what you have to say: @LordJohnMann
@LordJohnMann The thing is, John, you are a public servant. We are paying your salary to investigate antisemitism. Twitter is a public place where you put out statements. I have correctly quoted you but it's in contradiction with what you are doing. Can you explain #PublicLifeStandards
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