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Apr 26th 2023
🧵1/9 A deep dive into the history of #Backpropagation: A key technique in training multilayer architectures for neural networks. This powerful method revolutionized the way we train AI systems, leading to major breakthroughs in various domains. 🤖#DataScience #DeepLearning #AI Source:
🧵2/9 #Backpropagation is based on a simple concept: use gradient descent to optimize multilayer networks. By applying the chain rule for derivatives, it computes gradients efficiently, leading to optimized weight configurations in each layer of the network. #DataScience #AI
🧵3/9 The shift to Rectified Linear Units (ReLU) accelerated learning in deep networks, allowing training without unsupervised pre-training. This non-linear activation function proved more effective than its smoother predecessors like tanh(z) or 1/(1+exp(−z)). #ReLU #DataScience
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