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Aug 1st 2020
Few things trigger me more than seeing one of my works inaccurately invoked in relation to the tech workflow I was intimately involved in. @archpaper highlights the Hangzhou stadium in relation to #Revit being a "popular choice for parametric design." 1/12…
For some #AEC tech news context, a group of architecture firms recently put @autodesk on blast for a lack of #Revit development while the cost of the software continues to rise with new licensing models. Here is coverage by @AECmagazine 2/12…
What caught my attention in the @archpaper article was the featuring of the Hangzhou Stadium. The image includes this caption: "Thanks to Grasshopper integration and the program’s BIM capabilities, Revit is a popular choice for parametric design." 3/12
Read 13 tweets
Aug 27th 2019
No hubris is greater or more despised by the gods than that of a man who believes he has written a robust curve offsetting algorithm.
My offsetting algorithm is still giving me problems, but I do feel slightly better that when I tried the latest edge-case in #Rhino3D to see how they handle it I get exactly the same result as from my own crappy code: Image
If you can't be right, at least be wrong in company.
Read 5 tweets

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