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Delhi High Court has taken suo motu cognizance of security measures to be implemented in courts in the wake of the Rohini Court firing incident.

#DelhiHighCourt #RohiniCourtFiring
Bench of Chief Justice DN Patel and Justice Jyoti Singh begins hearing matter

#DelhiHighCourt #RohiniCourtFiring
CJ Patel: I am issuing notice today. I want suggestions from all respondents in short bullet points. For checking at courts, everybody is in a hurry, so how do we work around that?

#DelhiHighCourt #RohiniCourtFiring
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Rohini Court Firing: Delhi High Court to hear petition calling for measures to ensure safety and security of District Courts of Delhi.

#RohiniCourtFiring #DelhiHighCourt Image
The plea was filed after the Rohini Court shootout incident on September 24 in which three people were killed. It also seeks to instruct all police personnel to ensure that they check the ID Cards of all lawyers who enter court premises.

#RohiniCourtFiring #DelhiHighCourt
Justice Rekha Palli begins hearing matter.

#RohiniCourtFiring #DelhiHighCourt
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