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May 23rd 2023
«The Legion ‘Freedom of Russia’ and the ‘Russian Volunteer Corps’ continue to liberate the Belgorod region!

The army of the Russian Federation couldn’t oppose anything to a group of patriotic volunteers who took up arms and were not afraid to openly go against the Moscow regime…… ImageImageImageImage
“The war will continue until Putin's hanged body graces the walls of the Kremlin and his gang is judged by a fair trial of Russian anger,” — the ‘Russian Volunteer Corps’.

“The Putin army, torn by meat assaults, has calmed down. Corruptionists and oligarchs, torn apart by……
It is reported that the Russian Volunteer Corps and the Legion "Freedom of Russia" began to dig in on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Earlier, Russian media wrote that 39 volunteers were detained by the security forces, and some were liquidated. Apparently, the……
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