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Jan 5th 2023
#daretodosandhyavandanaintemple #challenge #daretodoit
3members of Veda Ghosham performed Sandhyavandana at Sannidhi of Nataraja temple Chidambaram, Shastra say
"Gruhe eka gunam proktam
Goshte Dashaguna smrutah shatasahasram nadyam, anantam Devalaye" Sandhya done at home gives..
single merit, in cowshed 10 time phala of that in house, 100s & 1000s of merit at river bank & immeasurable at temples. Most of us currently either don't know of this or hesitant to do it in temples. We start a dare challenge for you to go to any temple perform sandhya and post a
photo of yourself after performing the Sandhyavandana quoting the name of the temple you went to and did it. Veda Ghosham hopes to revive the ancient Vedic anushtana path for all of you, the path which our ancestors and Rishis took.
#sandhyavandanaintemple #sandhyavandana
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