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Sep 13th 2022
ICYMI: New article up on #SavedDaredevil with our weekend highlights from #D23Expo and #CharlieCox interviews.…

But we want to emphasize the part of the piece where we talk about the current reboot conversation of the moment. A 🧵 on where we stand:
Let’s cut to the chase: #DaredevilBornAgain is a new show and S1 of a new story for #Daredevil. That’s OK! We are firmly of the belief that this show only exists bc of what’s been established by S1-3 of the original series. It’s a ✨soft✨ reboot, and we're looking forward to it!
It isn't currently realistic for DD:BA to be S4 picking up where S3 left off. Too much has happened IRL + the MCU. But we can embrace this as a new production, telling new stories for the present-day MCU, as long as it stays true to the spirit + journey of the original series.
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