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Mar 25th 2019
I had exactly 30min entry-to-exit to explore @hmns.

I’d heard they have a solid collection of trilobites & the massive cut blue sapphire Siren of Serendip is a special exhibit.

But with the clock ticking down, I raced up the stairs & tumbled into Cullen Hall of Gems & Minerals. Museum wall sign of icons indicating different types of exhibits
#Crocoite: Shiny red-orange spiketastic lead chromate.

Despite being named for colour-matching saffron, lead makes it firmly “Do Not Lick.”

This particular spikefren is from Adelaide Mine, Tasmania, sticking with “everything cute in Australia can secretly kill you” theme. Adamantine red-orange long prismatic crystalsAdamantine red-orange long prismatic crystalsAdamantine red-orange long prismatic crystals
#Fluorite: a honkin’ massive cube of calcium fluorite with that particular dull-waxy translucence I wanna pet so bad.

No UV light to see if it’d fluoresce pretty colours for me.

From Nikolaevskiy Mine in Russia where hot sulfide solutions crystallized in limestone caverns. Large translucent pale green cube with smaller cube to sideClose-up of cubical facets
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