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Aug 11th 2022
#Darlings is a film I loved thoroughly. Apart from the stellar performances by #AliaBhatt, #ShefaliShah and @MrVijayVarma, and the way in which director @djasmeet marries the triggering topic of domestic abuse with dark comedy...

Here are my 12 favourite touches in the film!

When we first meet Badru in #Darlings, she's superstitious af (read naive.) Not stamping on discarded lemon-chilli totems, sprinkling salt over her shoulders. But at the story's turning point, she walks off calmly even as a black cat crosses her path. Resolute.
An Open Secret

Everyone in Badru's chawl knows about the horrific abuse. They hear it and turn their music up. They see her scars and flinch. The pharmacy boys automatically hand over an antiseptic liquid when she walks in, with no words exchanged.

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