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Sep 3rd 2021
1/ Tomorrow is my last day @Portland_State. Will miss wonderful dean colleagues, as well as faculty, staff, & students of the Maseeh College of Engineering & Computer Science @MCECSpdx. We accomplished much TOGETHER these past 3 yrs. #ThinkBoldMCECS! #ShineBrightMCECS! Images .
Some of the most inspiring students you will find anywhere. You are giants!
Incredible @MCECSpdx staff. You rock!
Read 26 tweets
Feb 25th 2021
1/ Investment in engineering and computer science education has a significant return on investment (ROI) to states.

Proud of the great ROI that the Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science provides the State of Oregon.
2/ Every dollar that the State spends on helping to educate one of our students yields a 320% ROI over 10 years, or 12% compounded annually.
3/ Based on a detailed analysis of graduates who stay and work in Oregon, their starting salaries, incremental annual salary increases, and use of a State income tax calculator ….
Read 4 tweets
Aug 30th 2020
1/ The Maseeh College of Engineering & Computer Science is proud to work with community partners to promote K-12 STEM education…
2/ "Intel partnered with Portland Metro STEM Partnership, housed in Portland State’s Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science, to provide $100,000 to develop distance learning resources for high school science for the region’s school districts and ....."
3/ ".. learning kits with a focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math for younger students ...."

“We were working to lay track ahead of the train”
Kristen Harrison, co-director of Portland Metro STEM Partnership at PSU

#ShineBrightMCECS @jamesghook
Read 3 tweets
Aug 8th 2020
1/ So VERY proud of @Portland_State's rigorous approach to dramatically reduce risk on campus in fall term. Started planning early w/ health & safety of community as HIGHEST priority. REQUIRED masks by ALL in buildings, physical distancing, physical barriers where needed, ....
2/ significantly reduced density (less sources/receptors/close contact), staggered & leapfrog courses (unoccupied period between each), detailed analysis of all air handling units, improved ventilation, improved filtration (to MERV13), HEPA-based portable air cleaners, .....
3/ use of outdoor spaces, signif' surface cleaning, community edu, & more. Gr8 lengths to PROTECT & SUPPORT students, staff, & faculty. Many innovative & compassionate individuals involved from upper-admin, faculty senate, facilities, etc. Honored to have been able to weigh in.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 26th 2019
If you have or will soon have a Ph.D. in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or Civil/Environmental Engineering & would like a tenure-track faculty position in a college w/ an exciting new strategic vision in an awesome city to live in - read on..... Image
2/4 The Maseeh College of Engineering & Computer Science @Portland_State will soon advertise 5-6 new positions in Comp Sci, Power Engineering (in elec engineering), structural Engineering, & Environmental/Water Resources Engineering. Look for announcements. Image
3/4 The Maseeh College has an exciting new strategic vision:… that's informing new faculty hiring, research investments, curricula reform, & new partnerships. We have had a record year for research expenditures & are excited to advance our vision. Image
Read 4 tweets

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