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May 13th 2019
I'm really glad that @STARZ #SpanishPrincess has brought #Catalina, Catherine of Aragon's Moorish attendant, into popular awareness, But in the service of this fascinating story, it has melded *two* different historical women.
So here's the truth about Catalina...
The woman responsible for "secret services" in Catherine of Aragon's bedchamber, who was reported to be "well informed" of whether Catherine's marriage to Arthur #Tudor was consummated or not was #Catalina of Motril, an enslaved woman from Granada...
Catalina was in Catherine's service by 1501 at the latest, but may have been there earlier as there is a payment for an (unnamed) 'esclava' in the princess's household ten years before.
'Catalina' may not have been her original name...
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