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Apr 6th 2020
1. Nigerian government called MNJTF in 2015 to tackle Boko Haram completely and annihilate them. Funding was an issue. None of the members of the MNJTF contributed shigbain except ur NGR. Then Tchad, Niger began to drag feet when it was time to take the offensive to BH. Sighting
2. Logistics, Protocols, more defined Rules of Engagement, Welfare, and all manner of excuse. The President had to go back again to try and convince every member president and government to commit to the MNJTF even had to relinquish the 1st MNJTF commander to Tchadian Army. Then
3.They took themselves to France under President F. Hollande to try and sort out all obstacles to progress of a coordinated offensive by all members affected by the menace but no show. The president saw no need to continue to appease these guys. Called a security meetings on our
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