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May 22nd 2023
One year ago, on 21 May 2022, the pre-trial proceedings against the @IuventaCrew & others began in Italy. ECCHR & partners have been monitoring the hearings. Today, we look back at one year of the criminalization of solidarity. #SavingLivesIsNotACrime

A timeline of key events 🧵 Picture of ECCHR Legal Advi...
21 May 2022 – Beginning of the preliminary hearings in the sea rescue case against the @IuventaCrew. Accused of “facilitating irregular entry,” they could face up to 20 years in prison – for saving thousands in distress in the Mediterranean. Keep in mind #SolidarityIsNotACrime!
16 June 2022 – The hearings were suspended due to procedural errors by the prosecution, which failed to properly inform multiple defendants of the charges against them, hindering the exercise of their procedural rights. The case was sent back to the prosecution for correction.
Read 10 tweets
Apr 1st 2021
“I am definitely released. Solidarity will no longer be a crime!”

French farmer, @CedricHerrou, who offered food & shelter to asylum seekers, has been released

The court also quashed of the judgment condemning
@LoanTorondel for an ironic tweet on police practices in Calais. ImageImage
The recognition by one of France's highest courts that #SolidarityIsNotACrime is good, but across Europe & around the world, people are being arrested & criminalized for providing food, shelter, transport & basic acts of kindness to migrants & refugees.…
In 2016, I was in Calais as the bulldozers rolled into the Jungle

Five years on, brave humanitarian volunteers - from the Med to the Alps to the Arizona desert - show that camps can be demolished & tents torn down, but solidarity isn't so easily destroyed
Read 5 tweets

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