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Nov 15th 2021
1st death anniversary of the doyen of Bengali cinema - #SoumitraChatterjee , seen here signing autograph at a charity cricket match at Eden Gardens in the 60s (Image: The Telegraph). Here's an interesting anecdote related to Chatterjee & his handwriting (1/4)
Chatterjee was prepping for his role in Satyajit Ray's Charulata. Ray told his leading man that the film was based on Nastanirh, a Tagore novella from 1901 which depicted Bengali society from late 19th-century (2/4)
Ray explained that the dominant time period association for viewers will be the late 19th-century hence Chatterjee's handwriting should reflect that. Chatterjee immediately started practicing handwriting styles of the period (3/4)
Read 4 tweets
Nov 16th 2020
#SatyajitRay x #SoumitraChatterjee films on digital platforms..

Experience the sheer genius of this magical collaboration.

Soumitra Chatterjee in Satyajit Ray films.

A Thread..
Apur Sansar / The World Of Apu (1959)

Feat. Soumitra Chatterjee, Sharmila Tagore, Alok Chakravarty, and Swapan Mukherjee.

Teen Kanya / Three Daughters (1961)

Anthology film, based on short stories by Rabindranath Tagore.

Samapti (The Conclusion) ft. Soumitra Chatterjee @senaparna Sita Mukherjee, Gita Dey, Santosh Dutta.

Read 15 tweets
Nov 16th 2020
One of my favorite #SoumitraChatterjee films: Saat Pake Baandha (1963) opposite Suchitra Sen at her powerhouse best.… +
Teen Bhubaner Pare (…)and Pratham Kadam Phool (…) w Tanuja join it to create a trio of gutting portraits of young faltering marriages. #SoumitraChatterjee
[This is just a thread of his films that I love and have also written about. It is not a complete list of my favorite of his films.] DEVI. This is Sharmila’s film and his performance complements hers perfectly.…
Read 9 tweets
May 9th 2020
A thread on..
- English language Indian films
- "Hinglish" films
- Crossover films
- International films with Indian theme

..on digital platforms..
#TheHouseholder (1963) by Merchant - Ivory.

Feat. Shashi Kapoor, Leela Naidu, Durga Khote, Achla Sachdev, and Harindranath Chattopadhyay among others.

#ShakespeareWallah (1965) by Merchant - Ivory.

Feat. Shashi Kapoor, Felicity Kendal @madhurjaffrey Geoffrey Kendal, Utpal Dutt, Pinchoo Kapoor and Partap Sharma.

Read 119 tweets

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