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Aug 27th 2022
#invertefest 🧵on amazing #marineinvertebrates of NW Sicily's Mediterranean. On night snorkel met incredible Spotted Bumble Bee Shrimp (Gnathophyllum elegans)! And Rugose Spider Crab (Herbstia condyliata)? but what's the zooming red shrimp that kept crashing into us? #MySwim 1/25
Other common crabs of the Gulf of Castellammare, Sicily include: Sea Urchin (Percon gibbesi) especially among break water boulders, Warty (Eriphia verrucosa), Runner Crab (Pachygrapsus marmoratus) - by anemone, & Mediterranean Intertidal Hermit (Clibanarius erythropus) crabs 2/25
These enchanting Rockpool/Grass Prawns (Palaemon elegans) were abundant in the crystal clear, bath-warm shallows of Calla Minnola, Levanzo. Love how you can see, on their head, the toothed rostrum & feather like structures at base of antennae & all their internal organs.
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