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Jul 18th 2019
Is there a language-based cognitive advantage in #bilingual children? Using meta-analysis to unravel the relationship between cognition and language by @lervag at #SSSR2019 : No agreement concerning the kind of executive functions that are most benefiting from this 1/3
...115 studies were included in this meta-analysis. Results: On average, very little support for a bilingual advantage. However, there were moderator effects: the higher nonverbal IQ in the bilinguals, the greater the bilingual advantage...#SSSR2019 2/3
...results are in line with previous studies (Lehtonen, et al., 2018) in adults who did not show a bilingual advantage. "It seems like the main advantage with bilingualism is the advantage to speak more than one language" #SSSR2019 3/3
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