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Nov 27th 2022
Understand AI community's frustration with first impressions of #stablediffusion2, I was too. But after experimented new prompt engineering with various styles by SD2+Diffusers runned in DFserver, I discovered advantages and uniqueness of SD2 @EMostaque @RiversHaveWings 1/n fine-art photography of a Clear crystal  cube, floating highfine-art underwater photography of swiming pool, Stunning Phfine-art Photography a beautiful eye, blue and golden pupil,fine-art landscape and nature photography of ocean, Stunning
The thread all generated by pure prompt, no init image, no editing. View full prompt in alt of each images.

Cons of SD2: in addition to higher resolutions, significant improvements in image quality and detail richness, especially in handling light sources, shadow, reflection 2/n fine-art photography of a Clear crystal ball, floating highlfine-art photography of a Clear crystal cube, reflecting thefine-art oil painting of still life, glass bowl and lemons, fine-art underwater photography of swiming pool, Stunning Ph
Fineness of texture details of surface from various materials is awesome. I tried sand, snow field, ocean wave foam, liquid metals. 3/n fine-art landscape and nature photography of Undulating sandfine-art photography of a small Clear crystal ice cube, floaliquid metal, flowing, dark, Solidified lava, Ribbon-like shfine-art landscape and nature photography of ocean, Stunning
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