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He started off modestly in 1993 with only two vehicles at the age of 21, moved to Odisha at the age of 29 in the year 2001. Moved around the dusty roads of Barbil, Joda & Koira in a Mahindra Commander. After 8 years of slogging in Joda,landed his first contract. #StartUpOdisha 1/
The first contract failed. Undeterred, he developed local contacts in Barbil & Joda including local transporters & their network. A meeting with a mines owner from Chaibasa - gave him his 1st successful footing in Iron Ore - MDO. KJSA, Indrani Patnaik, KMC and others followed.2/5
From 2009 when the 1st successful MDO with TP Sao started till date, his organization has grown from strength to strength. Sh B Prabhakaran is rarely seen in person & TEMPL today is India's largest MDO in metals & mining space. TEMPL employs more than 500 people in Joda. 3/5
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