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Nov 28th 2019
#15FinanceCommission is the greatest injustice against the Southern States. The 'Gobar'ment is openly discriminating against the Southern States,
Look at those two graphs; KL, TN and AP are the worst hit. The fiscal deficit is going to be still higher.
What does it mean? (1/5)
It just means that the Southern States will see lesser and lesser Capital Expenditure (means roads, education, health infra etc.) that leads to a faster death of our states. Day to day life will get harder with higher EB Bills, Fare hikes and reduced PDS. (2/5)
I think this is a wily design of the Modi Gobarment to subdue the South! On the other hand UP, the major benefactor is spending that money on "vital" items like Sweaters for the Cows! While the kids die of lack of Oxygen, and they are fed meals even cows won't eat! (3/5)
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