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Feb 6th 2022
Lrt the EARN IT Act is bad legislation that aims to force companies to remove sexual and LGBT content under the guise of protecting children.

Check the comments for ways you can help.

If you're in the U.S, please also text PVLKLV to 50409. This will let @resistbot send a letter to your congressional representative asking them to oppose this bill.

Read 6 tweets
Feb 5th 2022


This is
Very bad.

This is like
Urgent help need to stop it incredibly serious troubling and deeply problematic kinda bad

And it's not being talked about enough so it's not getting the traction it needs.

Let me try and give you some resources. 🧵…

This was the thread that introduced it to me.
They go somewhat into detail, but they also link a very well dome and researched Tumblr post that clearly explains everything far better than anyone else has thus far.

(Link in next tweet)
This is the aforementioned post…

The basic idea is that it functions like a Pornography Ban, as well as a ban on End-to-End Encryption; all in the name of protecting kids.

But they get to define what is or isn't allowed under the act.
Read 7 tweets

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