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Jan 3rd 2019
1. What do you want? Define your 2019 goals. Clearly defined goals will give direction and focus. To get what you want, at least begin by knowing what you want.#Success2019
2. Why do you want it? Success cannot be defined outside of purpose. @BIUpresident said 'your WHY should be strong enough to keep you going against all odds'. Don't just copy & paste goals. Your purpose (WHY) keeps you original. Ask What? Then ask Why?. #Success2019
3. How do you want to achieve it? Strategy is critical. Don't just hope your goals are achieved in 2019. Put a strategic plan in place. How do I get from 'I will' to 'I have'? Ask 'What'? Ask 'Why'? Then ask 'How'? #Success2019
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