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Jan 24th 2022
1/ The $CSWAP community will recall a *very* distinct change in deal sentiment from Sundae around September/October when a certain (ssh 🤫) few VCs entered the room to back @SundaeSwap. VCs in question are @AlamedaResearch, @DoublePeakGroup and cFund (under @wave_financial).
2/ From this moment forward, there was an observable shift in the attitude from the team at @SundaeSwap, who appeared to distance themselves from the idea of a "merger", "significant benefit" and "one community" as they previously stipulated.
3/ Speculation from here on - Consider the possibility that these VCs found the originally agreed deal with @CardStarter unattractive due to the movement of the market, devaluing the promised TVL over time. Is it possible that one of these VCs were allocated the original 150m SS?
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