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Oct 25th 2021
I saw XZ looking ridiculously hot in a commercial for kitchen appliances and thought about how one time in some TV show, he was cooking and sweating a lot… 🥵

So, my train of thought led to… a short thread fic ahead! 😊

#YiZhan #ZSWW #SweatyXZ #ChefXZ #LuckyBobo ImageImage
On one of the rare evenings when they can finally spend some quality time together, XZ decides to cook a nice meal for Yibo and himself. Yibo is expressively forbidden to touch anything in the kitchen when XZ is cooking, which is just to Yibo’s liking anyway.
This way, Yibo gets to watch his gorgeous man work in the kitchen and create a delicious meal for them. Yibo knows he is one lucky guy.

XZ has his sleeves rolled up showing his strong arms. A focused look is on his handsome face.
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