Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #taperdidntfixit

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Jul 2nd 2022
1/24 Some useful threads on NHS pension scheme, pension taxation, & why its *still* such a car crash for the NHS (retention). #TaperDidntFixIt

For me this has always been about two simple themes- patient safety & survival of the NHS

2/24 I'm going to use this as a compendium of some of the more important /educative/impactful tweets/threads🧵 I've done over the last 18 months or so they are all in 1 place. For some, they are done annually each tax year. Here goes- enjoy I hope you find it useful
3/24 WHEN: Saturday, October 10 2020

WHATS IT ABOUT: 19/20 AA and tools

Length (tweets): 17

Initial Reach (impressions): 209000 👇

Read 24 tweets

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