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Jun 18th 2022
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GENTE! 😂 "Garota está tudo melhor agora!
Vocês viram, mas se apoie em tapetes?!”
Na caixinha de perguntas aberta por Summer em seu Instagram, Minnie a ajudou a responder algumas questões e em uma delas ela contou que foi o Sean quem quebrou a perna da Lola.
HAHAHAHAHA Um fã perguntou à Minnie, através da caixinha de Summer, se ela é #TeamConrad ou #TeamJeremiah e sabe o que ela respondeu? Que já falou um milhão de vezes que é #TeamCam
Cam Cameron está arrasando corações!
A Lola “trancada” 😼

Fã: Alguém fez brincadeiras no set?

Summer: Muitas brincadeiras foram feitas!
Read 13 tweets
Jun 21st 2020
you know what i find baffling? scrolling thru the fb/twitter/insta feeds of trolls of mine/my page and finding anti-trump/anti-racist rhetoric which seems antithetical to the amount of hate i receive from them on BLM matters or calling out racism in jewish spaces.
its almost cognitive dissonance of the highest order.

kinda reminds me of a source i cant currently remember comparing jeremiah and josephus. they were both saying "surrender, stop fighting" but one is revered and the other is vilified.
the question, to summarize, was: if they were saying the same thing, why are jews not #teamjospehus the same way theyre #teamjeremiah? and the [summarized] answer is that jeremiah was saying that from the inside, but josephus left and was saying it from the outside.
Read 9 tweets

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