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Dec 4th 2019
This thread is about depression - but it isn’t ‘sad’. I've accepted that my mental illness was ongoing and cyclical. Caused by a faulty part in my brain. That’s ok! I could have had a pancreas that didn’t work or a heart that malfunctioned, too. But I got a broken brain...
Fine! Let’s deal with it. What does treatment look like for a broken brain? Last week, my brain received 72,000 ‘zaps’ through a magnetic coil to the part of my brain that’s ‘broken’. I’m weepy because I already feel a difference...
I’m weepy because I keep forgetting what it feels like to not be ‘sad’ all the time (it’s deeper than this). If we think of emotions as chemicals and electrical impulses, those zaps have encouraged the part of my brain that makes emotions happen to work again...
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