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Oct 17th 2020
I am happy to share today my latest updated #Texas #Resister list, as part of my effort to highlight #TexasResisters, to do my part to try to help #TurnTexasBlue as we come down the home stretch of the 2020 election. As with previous versions, this list has 3 parts.
The 3rd group are those included in my previous #TexasResister lists. The 2nd group are those new followers I’ve added since last month. I’ve separated it this way to help those who’ve seen my previous posts focus on the 2nd group for new followers.
As I’ve done previously, my first few posts will highlight Texas Democrats running for key offices, including Texas national and state congressional races.
Early voting has begun, with record turnout. Let’s keep it up through November 3!
Read 171 tweets
Dec 20th 2019
I am happy to share today my latest updated #Texas #Resister list, as part of my effort to highlight #TexasResisters, to do my part to try to help #TurnTexasBlue in 2020. As with previous versions, this list has 3 parts.
The 3rd group are those included in my previous #TexasResister lists. The 2nd group are those new followers I’ve added since October. I’ve separated it this way to help those who saw my previous posts focus on the 2nd group for new followers.
As I did last time, my first few posts will highlight Texas Democrats running for key offices, including Texas Senate & competitive 2020 US House races. I had intended to start making recommendations for certain races, but feel I haven’t had time to properly vet many candidates.
Read 89 tweets

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