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Jul 5th 2020
Tobacco industry players and retailers have written an open letter to @PresidencyZA and his Cabinet highlighting the devastation caused by 100 days of the tobacco ban and urging #TheBanMustFall 1/7
#LockdownSA @DlaminiZuma
"South Africa has been bleeding while criminals in the illegal trade have reaped the rewards. Whole communities have been torn apart as the ban has extinguished livelihoods that sustain thousands of families across the nation." 2/7
“Pain has echoed from the tobacco fields of Limpopo to the spaza shops of Soweto, Umlazi and the Cape Flats. Factory workers, truck drivers and store staff are being denied the ability to put bread on the table, shoes on the feet of their children and a roof over their heads.”3/7
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