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Sep 4th 2021
1. Showing blatant hate is not possible for the naxalis, so they organize an *academic* conference to snarkily show their #HinduHate! They see the collective awakening of the Hindu and that mortifies the Left lobbies! #HindusAreAwakening
2. Hindus r speedily bcoming aware of their communal shatru - the awakened Hindu doesn't want 2b the nice guy nomore. Hindus now want to get the job done. Hindus are clear & vocal - will not allow Hindutva to be dismantled or maligned nomore #HindusAreAwakening
3. Hindus realize the existential conflict crisis the tribe is in. More n more r inculcating the capacity to revel in conflicts with a sense of confidence & calm, while engaged with the anti Hindu brigade. The cause CANNOT be undermined! #KshtriyaBhav
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