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Entropy of mixing in condensed phases

1/5 When a pure substance of molecule A mixes with a pure substance of molecule B, the entropy of the mixture exceeds the sum of the entropies of the two pure substances.

The excess is called the entropy of mixing.
2/5 Molecules A and B can have different volumes. A molecule can jiggle into many shapes. For example, A can be a macromolecule, and B a solvent molecule.

Mixing is taken to change neither the volume of each molecule, not the number of shapes that each molecule can jiggle into.
3/5 What does mixing do? It lets each molecule explore a larger volume!

Each molecule A explores volume (n_A)(V_A) in the pure substance, but explores volume (n_A)(V_A) + (n_B)(V_B) in the mixture. Similarly for B.

Mixing increases the number of configurations by a factor:
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