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Jan 15th 2021
1. I really dislike labels & cancellations.

I think we’ve beaten around issues, for far too long. Yes Sowore supported Buhari in 2015, but he’s consistently opposed Buhari’s tyranny & maladministration. For me, that’s enough.

Age shouldn’t be a LIMITER for choosing a president. ImageImageImageImage
2. Look at George Weah today. He is young (at least in the African context), he achieved everything in soccer but failing in leadership.

George Weah became the monster he once criticized. Atiku supported Buhari with cash & a private jet in 2015.
3. But for me, I’ll rather look beyond all of that & rather focus on his achievements with Obasanjo. Judge Atiku on that, & the things he wants to do.

Bobi Wine is another young, energetic revolutionist. The future of Africa is bright with more young people going into politics.
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