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Nov 14th 2018
Thread 1) Jewish-American voters who support Israel should feel betrayed. After waffling during the election, new US House member @IlhanMN tells @muslimgirl (aka #MuslimMeanGirls) that she "believes in and supports the @BDSmovement." the "exclusive":…
2) For Muslim Americans, like me, this is no surprise. @IlhanMN is allied with @lsarsour and @CAIR_National, all virulently anti-Israel...and yes as a result anti-Semitic, despite their protests that being anti-Israel is not anti-Semitic. It is.…
3) No surprise to us 2 @MuslimGirl publishes pro-BDS spin. Palestinian-American editor Amani Al-Khatahtbeh @xoamani tries 2 #girlWash her anti-Israel pro-BDS rage w/collabs with naive @TeenVogue. But her anti-Semitism traces back to her Rutgers' days…
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