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Jan 16th 2023
๐Ÿ“š Want to read and remember more?

๐Ÿค– Here are 7 ways A.I. like can supercharge your learning ability. #UniversalStudySystem

A.I. is the perfect tutor and dialogue partner to enlist as part of a #SecondBrain @NickMilo @fortelabs

๐Ÿงต โ†“
1/7 AI Priming Assistant

Assists with identifying stimulating questions.

โœ… "Bearing in mind x, y and z, what questions could help me deepen my understanding of this topic?"
โœ… "What are some key principles in the field?"
โœ… "What are hotly debated topics in this area?"
2/7 AI Incubation Navigator

Provides strategies, workflows, and mental models to guide your learning and understanding during the incubation stage.

โœ… "What are some effective ways to fully and mindfully engage my conscious mind while I take a break and let this sink in?"
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