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Nov 29th 2021
In this #UrologyJournalClub we discuss and summarize the Belzitufan Phase 2 trial for renal masses in patients with Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease published @NEJM which led to the approval of Welireg.




@VPrasadMDMPH ImageImageImage
📃 phase 2, single arm, open label

Pts with VHL and renal masses (assumed to be renal cell carcinoma, biopsy not required).

Most pts had other VHL-related tumors simultaneously but these were not considered for inclusion or exclusion criteria but measured either way.

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This study found an objective response rate of 49% (quite impressive for a drug in an orphan disease), another 49% of patients showed stable disease and only 3 patients had progression.

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