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Mar 7th 2022
#vibecamp thoughts

my congratulations and gratitude to @gptbrooke, the core @tpotvibecamp team, and the many many volunteers — both formal and impromptu

it takes a village to raise @babymoonbot you know 💗
Brooke has repeatedly blown away my expectations — I love internet weirdo gatherings so I was excited from day 1, but also skeptical that first-time event organizers could tackle something this big and pull it off

well: there were wrinkles ofc, but overall a SLAM DUNK
unlike many attendees, I knew what my social experience was going to be, due to copious conf + house party + socializing with strangers (sort of) in the past, also due to being a "big account," and most especially due to having attended similar-but-smaller postrat events
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