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Thread. #VictimsOfRussia
1/ Oleksandr Zdanovych-Yakhno πŸ•―οΈ 4-year-old Sashko Zdanovych-Yakhno was with his grandmother in Sukholuchchia. When the full-scale war broke ou , they couldn't leave because of intense combats and blasted bridges. Image
2/ They were holding up for over two weeks, but on March 10, when heavy machinery of the Russians entered the village, the neighbours suggested getting to the opposite side of the Kyiv artificial lake. They wanted to escape using two motorboats. Sashko, his grandmother,
3/ and six more people were shelled . The boat carrying the boy turned over . His grandmother drowned , and Sashko disappeared. The search for the child had been going on for three weeks, but he was found dead...
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