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Mar 24th 2021
The explosive arrest on 17 March 2021 of President Emmerson Mnangagwa's business associate Belarusian tycoon Alexander Zingman after meeting ex-president Joseph Kabila involves "a deadly cocktail of mining deals and politics" in DRC, a security source said.
DRC President Felix Tshisekedi and Kabika have had a serious fallout after the collapse of the coalition between Heading for Change and the Common Front for Congo since 2018 when the incumbent won disputed elections.
Tshisekedi is now purging Kabila allies.
Tshisekedi has in recent months been purging Kabila's political allies – including Prime minister Sylvestre Ilunga Ilunkumba - removed through a vote-of-no-confidence, leading to a collapse of the power-sharing arrangement between them.
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