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Aug 17th 2020
Thanks to the incredible efforts of #volunpeers we have officially transcribed over 100,000 pages of Freedmen's Bureau records from @NMAAHC!

Join us all week as we explore the impact of this tremendous milestone on historical and genealogical research with #DiscoverTCFreedmen. black and white photograph ...
Created by the U.S. govt. in 1865, the Freedmen's Bureau aided over 4 million newly freed African Americans and oversaw the political/social reconstruction of the south-reuniting loved ones, settling labor and land disputes, establishing schools, and more.…
The records produced by the Bureau represent a rich, unparalleled resource for understanding the African American experience pre-1870, providing some of the earliest documentation of the names and experiences of enslaved individuals.

#DiscoverTCFreedmen Image
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