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Oct 30th 2020
I was feeling a little ranty this morning, but there's actually also some interesting points about context and pragmatics here, for when we write (or cause machines to write) text that will be interpreted in contexts we aren't directly participating in:
Surely, from the platform's point of view, WeCNLP is starting at 7am. For them, WeCNLP refers to an event with "start" and "end" times they have to program into their platform, so that people who have registered can access the platform during those times. >>
But for people *attending* WeCNLP (the addressees of that email), WeCNLP refers to an event with a specific internal schedule, of talks and informal meeting times. >>
Read 7 tweets
Oct 30th 2020
Is anyone else on the West Coast already up and surprised to see an email from #WeCNLP2020 saying the event starts in "59 minutes" when the schedule says 8am start?
Seems like an auto-generated system from the online platform because the site is opening at 7, though the program doesn't start until 8.
Given that this one is WEST COAST NLP and for once is actually in our timezone, it would be nice to not be harassed by emails making us feel late...
Read 4 tweets

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