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Played through #YakuzaLikeADragon. As my first Yakuza game, I enjoyed it quite a bit. Lots of political intrigue, cinematic drama, and themes of family & friendship. I also appreciate how it gives credence to people from all walks of life. It's a very satisfying JRPG experience.
Have to give a shout-out to the localization team, in particular my friend @SenseiHanzo who I've always known as a hard worker. This game is text-heavy and managing all the accents, dialects, and languages must not have been an easy feat, yet it reads well!
There's a character in #YakuzaLikeADragon who's modeled after and voiced by Ken Yasuda, the actor who plays Hideaki Anno in Blue Blazes. It's extremely hard to unsee/unhear! Having had enough, Anno decided to become a fire-breathing homeless dude. ImageImageImageImage
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