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[1/13] As we're witnessing recurring layoffs, it's crucial to stay prepared. This thread is based on my experience of interviewing with Western companies in early 2022. I'll share insights & resources that proved invaluable. Hopefully, it aids your #InterviewPreparation journey.
[2/13] Struggling with HTTPS and digital certificates? This comprehensive guide will clear your doubts - A strong foundation in #CyberSecurity is essential in today's digital landscape.
[3/13] Mobile System Design was a challenging topic due to scarce resources. Until I found this repository -…. It's a goldmine of information for any aspiring #MobileSystemDesign enthusiast.
Read 13 tweets
Idea: part of why ChatGPT seems so appealing as a substitute of a search engine is that most of us don't know a good method for knowledge management. Nobody taught us how to build a second brain or make smart notes, so we just keep everything in our head and inevitably struggle
ChatGPT creates an illusion of a knowledge base which can be queried using a natural language, so that we wouldn't have to remember anything anymore. But as I read more about #Zettelkasten and other methods, it seems that each of us could've had such a KB even w/o a computer
Imagine that early at school you'd learn how to create your own system of interconnected notes containing the material you learn. You'd then use it as a seed for your second brain which you keep building throughout your life and filling with personal and professional knowledge.
Read 6 tweets
Very inspiring chat featuring @soenke_ahrens , @gordonbrander , and @jerrymichalski
Below is my brief summary. Apologies for the inaccuracies and my biases. #Zettelkasten
Systems Theory/#Cybernetics: reducing external complexity so we can build up internal complexity.
Feedback loops everywhere in the process (iteration)🧵
ZK uniqueness: not sorted by topic, emphasizes development of ideas (Folgezettel), atomic ideas.
Physical size constraint of cards forces the formation of nuggets that are reusable and have composability.🧵
Read 6 tweets
DAY 15/30

Obsidian is full of cool features, but some of them are hidden🧐

Here are my 5 favorite tips to 10x your productivity!

Let's start with some visuals.

@obsdmd #obsidianmd
#ship30for30 @ship30for30
1/ Outliner (Community plugin)

Wish there was an outliner?

For those coming from outliners like Roam and Logseq, this may convince you to give Obsidian a try.

Go to Settings/ Community plugins/ Browse/ and search for "Outliner."
2/ Command Palette

Are you always forgetting how to do "that thing"?

Like "how do I Highlight text"? 🤣

Thankful, Obsidian does have a toolbar, it's just hidden.

Use Ctrl/Cmd P to bring up a list of all the things you can do to your notes.

It also shows the shortcut!
Read 9 tweets
DAY 14/30

I've spent 7 days reading Niklas Luhmann Estate's docs on his Zettlekasten, (so you don't have to.) 😅

Here are 5 surprising truths I found.

#ship30for30 @ship30for30
All images are properties of
1. 90,000 notes sounds more impressive than it looks.

This is his Zettelkasten, the German word for "slip-box". All notes were organized into 24 drawers and 3 filing trays (top left).

Not impressed? I don't blame you.

But the concept behind it might change your mind...
2/ His Zettelkasten's main purpose was to generate surprise.

He focused on organizing and constructing his notes, so he can "talk" to it. Every part of this process has its purpose. His notes are meant to lead him down paths he wasn't thinking about.

This was done in 3 parts...
Read 8 tweets
Psaní poznámek, které má smysl 🗃

Znáte systém psaní chytrých poznámek Zettelkasten? Ten velmi výrazně změnil to, jak přemýšlím nad poznámkami a vlastně i vědomostmi.

Ve článku se dozvíte jeho základy + krátké 🧵…

#Zettelkasten #chytrepoznamky
Nejde už o hromadu různých kousků textu v poznámce, která se jmenuje jako klíčové slovo. Jde o síť myšlenek, které spolu různým způsobem souvisejí a nutí mě přemýšlet. Jejich vytváření trvá, ale stejně tak trvá, aby člověk něco vůbec věděl.
Na obrázku vidíte přes 100.000 slov ve více než 1.000 poznámkách. Na zpracování ale čeká ještě 1,7 milionu slov různých výpisků, takže jsem sotva na 6 % toho, co jsem za posledních několik let četl. Toho, o čem bych si mohl myslet, že vím.
Read 5 tweets
🗃 1/11

When using an Analog #zettelkasten, you don't get a search button. You can't use control + f. I believe this is a feature, and not a bug. Here's a thread on why. A picture of my Antinet
🗃 2/11

Ultimately, the reason we take notes, is so we never have to look at those notes again... Let me explain:

If you remembered every piece of knowledge you absorbed from watching videos, listening to podcasts and reading books. You would have no reason to take notes.
🗃 3/11

The goal of taking notes is not to be able to read those notes again in the future, but to absorb that which you are writing down. The goal is to imprint the ideas into your mind, so that you can write and talk about them with ease.
Read 19 tweets
etwas für meine ex-auftraggeberin @BAG_OFSP_UFSP (so?)
danke für eine spende zur realisation von 2. #FiastaDaBulius 2022 @SurselvaTourism auf: @Raiffeisen_CH 🍄👾🚀 MYZELT EUCH
Read 12 tweets
At first I disliked so many things about @beeamp_vicky #zettelkasten video:

- the tags
- using search
- the compass

But uhm, might have been wrong, recommended: 9/10 🎉

*Tags*: easy to use incorrectly, but 💜 liked how Vicky deftly uses tags to create a:

collect → process → output

workflow, combined with queries it looks like a practical way to digest information 💯

*Using search* that one was tricky. Zettelkasten and search are kind of opposites, but the "combination of optimizing for search" and how she *used* search was very zettelkasten-y. Weird, but enlightening 🤔

Read 4 tweets
What @BeauHaan 's approach to #Zettelkasten has in common with the TV series Severance - a thread for the #Roamcult, and anyone else exploring #PKM and #TfT
A common theme among proponents of the new #ToolsForThought is that linked notes are more useful (accessable, re-mixable) than foldered notes. However, Beau emphasizes neither links nor folders, but conversation among selves separated in time
Some say we have three selves in time: past, now, future. Jerry Seinfeld has a famous joke about it - He never sleeps enough because at night he's "night guy". If he wakes up tired, that's "morning guy's" problem. Who cares about that guy?
Read 22 tweets
damit auch die kleinsten mein hotel in finden (so?)
Read 10 tweets
1/ #Zettelkasten 系統中的兩種 slip-box

#Zettelkasten 中的 slip-box ,最直覺的理解看待成另一個人,我們做筆記發展思想的行為,等同於訓練出一個可以不斷與之交流的另一個自我,筆記得到了自己的生命,獨立於其作者,因此盧曼強調他發展的思想是不斷與 slip-box 「溝通」。
這一段有 typo,「因此盧曼強調他發展的思想是不斷與 slip-box 「溝通」。」應為「盧曼強調他發展的思想方式是不斷與 slip-box 『溝通』」。
12/ 「溝通」詞應該改為「交流」會更精準表達盧曼建立此系統原意,而該筆記系統也不該定位為研究助理,而該定義為研究夥伴,大概相當於研究計畫的協同主持人吧。
Read 10 tweets
1/ 盧曼的編碼系統我覺得是值得細挖,跟 Rhizome 做比較的方向,目前比較少看到人討論。Rhizome 我懂得也不多,主要是聽過一個人類學博士在討論到去中心化組織治理提到,發現跟我對人類如何從個人轉變成組織的概念很接近,所以一直把這個詞記起來。
2/ 之前在看一本企業管理的書,在比對HP跟德儀的文化差異時,有一個結論是:「社會是由一張張文件將人類互相組織而成的」。後來在 Obsiden 紅了後,有人開始討論知識網路其實不是分散式,而是有大區塊跟小區塊,所以我又想到 Rhizome,發現以前也有人利用者個抽象概念在談知識組織。
3/ Zettelkasten 中對於每個筆記都會給予唯一識別符。筆記的唯一識別符的作用是類似 [[][Git]] 的 Commit ID,作用在於連接思想的分支。如果是單純的「超文本」(hyper text),是無法描繪思想跟思想的相關強弱。
Read 11 tweets
1/14 Minimalismus je mou životní filozofií už delší dobu. Čím dál tím víc ho ale aplikuji také v rámci svého PKM (personal knowledge managementu) neboli digitálního systému pro organizaci informací a znalostí. 🧵👇
2/14 First things first. Nejprve „definice“.
3/14 Digitální PKM je externí systém skládající se z jedné či více aplikací, které nám slouží k zachycení, zpracování a zužitkování informací. Středobodem takového systému bývá poznámková aplikace — v mém případě @RoamResearch.
Read 14 tweets
As the final week of @RoamBookClub approaches, I've asked the participants to summarize the learnings for their 6-wk-ago self or their 12-yr-old self.

Here is mine:
1. Updated Guiding Principles
2. Redefinition of GTD Terms
3. Open Questions
4. Special Thanks

1/Guiding Principles (1/4)

• System should be designed to shine at your worst
• Aim to build a system that iterates (instead of perfect)
• Look for signals: goals, ease, happiness
1/Guiding Principles (2/4)

• System should be designed to shine at your worst

A common pitfall for GTD beginners (myself especially) is designing a system for their perfect selves, but we are rarely perfect. (but that's totally okay!)

Read 17 tweets
If you want to build effective workflows using Tools for Thought (@RoamResearch, @amplenote, @obsdmd, etc.), you have to get comfortable with Systematic Iteration.

“Ah, right, R.J.,” you might say.

…and then add: “But what on earth does THAT mean?”
Iteration is a fundamental meta-process—meaning, it’s a process that underlies other processes.

Life itself relies on iteration, copying and changing our DNA to create the next generation.

Reliable workflows do the same: they revisit and refine material.


Pass 1: Copy what you read, along with its metadata
P2: Re-word what you copied
P3: Connect what you re-worded to other knowledge
P4+: “Converse” with your knowledge to develop further knowledge
Read 13 tweets
Škoda, že mě nikdo nenaučil a nepřesvědčil v dětství a dospívání, že není možné komplexně myslet bez psaní. Škoda, že mě to nenapadlo samotného či jsem se to po tom víc nepídil! Část mých pocitů selhání byla spojena s tím, že jsem měl spoustu nápadů …
… ale nebyl schopen je uspořádat. Zahlcovaly mne. Deník nepomáhal: psával jsem hodně, ale šlo spíš o vypisování z pocitů než o strukturování myšlenek pomocí tužky a pera. Nutnost stavět myšlení externí lešení jsem kdovíproč považoval za známku selhání vlastního intelektu …
… a za nedostatek talentu a kvalifikace. Domníval jsem se, že mí oblíbení myslitelé či spisovatelé vymysleli vždy vše na pohodu v hlavě, zatímco já jenž-se-neobjede-bez-berličky, jsem odsouzen k nezdaru. Není divu, že čtení knížky Sönkeho Ahrense Jak si dělat chytré poznámky …
Read 5 tweets
I’m excited to start the new cohort of #Ship30for30!

I’ll be posting short daily essays/threads about the creator economy, building your content campsite, and how creators can use productivity strategies to get more done.

If you want to get my essays via email, link below 👇
I was employee 5 at @ConvertKit & ran creator success at @podia.

I built my YouTube channel (57k subs) & business on the side, going full-time this year.

What’s the biggest struggle you have with publishing your creative work? I want to help!…
Day 1: The 100 Round Rule of Creative Momentum 💯
Read 34 tweets
#[[Roam 插件]] 我一直在寻找的Chrome插件,支持将Roam Research一直悬停在浏览器侧边栏

#[[Roam 插件]] #Roam42 支持新的 Jump nav 命令,能够快速跳转到父级或同级相邻 Block

Read 35 tweets
#[[Roam 教程]] “Blocks in Roam Research” 系列视频,帮助你了解什么是 Block,Page 和 Block 的类型,“Block” 是Roam Research 的基石,[[Trees in the forest]]

#[[Roam 技术]] Roam Research API 已支持 Write 写操作,从技术上来说可以做很多有趣的插件和集成操作!

比如说做一个类似 FlomoPlus 的数据导入插件…

Read 31 tweets
#[[Roam 插件]] 增强版 PDF 扩展,作者分享了他的学术阅读工作流

#[[Roam 用例]] 学术论文阅读的五个步骤:文献管理、论文阅读与瞬时笔记写作、永久笔记写作、永久笔记管理、笔记回顾

“双向链接的自动呈现大大简化了我的工作流,也加强了我构建网状知识库的意识。 ”

Read 23 tweets
#[[Roam 周边]] 轻松创建漂亮的数字花园,将你的 Roam Research Graph 导出为可访问的静态网站

#[[Roam 插件]] 使用纯 CSS 实现 MindMap 思维导图

Read 36 tweets
Revolutionize your note-taking 🧠📝🗃🗄

The best guides & resources for implementing #Zettelkasten

Featuring @davidbclear @ZFleischmann @RoamBrain @soenke_ahrens @fortelabs @abramdemski @ThrivingHenry @ctietze @andy_matuschak @AliAbdaal @justindirose @curtismchale @RoamFm

1/ David B. Clear (@davidbclear) wrote this extremely comprehensive guide to the history of Zettelkasten and how to implement it. If Zettelkasten is new to you, start here.

(Thanks @geolessel for introducing me to Zettelkasten with this article)…
2/ Zach Fleischmann (@ZFleischmann via @RoamBrain) wrote this tutorial for converting your book notes & highlights to creating evergreen notes.

It has concrete steps and processes for implementation—and great helpful illustrations as well.…
Read 14 tweets
📌 #RoamGames SUBMISSION:

When you "think" you're learning #Zettelkasten, but you're actually learning to write in @RoamResearch — every day~…

Sometimes the answers are right under your nose! @RoamBookClub
Just go into the Linked References for each Day and then follow just how much time everyone is spending in @RoamResearch but then look a little deeper and read what these folks are actually writing.

If you don't start tearing up, from reading just how vulnerable everyone gets...
There's no ON-BOARDING if they don't write notes.

And there's no ON-BOARDING in someone's head, it has to be actualized, it has to be proven to work.

@RoamBookClub works, read through the #RoamBookClub3 tags on Twitter~
Read 5 tweets

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