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May 3rd 2022
@mikakamya I'm glad u haven't block me, but I feel it's close. &I'm glad u started reading both sides of the story.
I have to admit Bluebird QV Flora did a fantastic job on clearing #ZhangZhehan 's name. They are lawyer, professional, translator, (1)
specialized in analysis on cases with great complexity, which 813 is, in terms of background in history, society, government, c-ent industry, impacts on fandom, human rights, law and order. But most things happening in everyday life are not, they are straight forward, (2)
easy to judge intuitively, like #zzh owns his own IG account is a fact with no doubt and he wrote a letter to fans to protect his family and friends, before all that, he has a #ZSJ public account, he wrote about his thoughts, his health, past, family, he shared movie/books (3)
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