Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #écocide

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1/38. Today is the eighth day of the #BonnClimateConference (#SB58) and it saw the closing plenary of the Technical Dialogue of the #GST, discussions on the #SantiagoNetwork, the continuation of the #NCQG’s 6th Technical Expert Dialogue and the first stocktaking plenary. 🧵 Image
2/38. Today also saw a focus on #HumanRights with a number of side events and an action drawing attention to the key message that “there can be no #ClimateJustice without #HumanRights”.
3/38. Joining "No #ClimateJustice without #CivicSpace and #HumanRights: zooming in on the @UNFCCC process"* with @ciel_tweets, @amnesty and @350, we heard important messages on the need for safe #CivicSpace under the @UNFCCC so that we can make our #LossAndDamage demands heard!
Read 39 tweets
Conférence de #presse à #Carcassonne 9/6/23. L'association présente un recours juridique envers le PLU, seulement ce qui concerne le projet immobilier + #golf. Il n'est pas question d'entraver le dvlpmt de la commune. Au contraire ce projet de 150 habitations coûterait cher.
Avec les infrastructures publiques qui seraient nécessaires de construire... Michel Degré (MNA) #agriculteur retraité alterte sur les limites de la ressource en #eau et l'accaparement de la ressource pour ce projet de 180 hectares.
On peut s'attendre à une consommation de 450000m3 / an au minimum pour la pelouse du #golf (en se basant sur un rapport du Sénat). La qualité de l'eau sera fortement impactée par l'usage de pesticides et d'engrais azotés. La réduction des zones humides qui ont un effet tampon.
Read 15 tweets
What we know about #Kakhovka Dam terrorist attack by Russia

In this thread for @BritFriendsUkr I detail the terrorist attack by Russia, the importance of the Dam, the devastation caused and the response from Ukraine’s & the world leaders. /1

I also highlight photos and videos of the devastation caused. /2

The information highlights that Russia has committed #Ecocide on a horrific scale and its time the UK Government and Governments worldwide designate Russia a terrorist state. It is also time Ukraine’s allies give Ukraine all the weapons to kick Russia off all Ukrainian land. /3
Read 4 tweets
❗️Russian military blew up the #Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant dam in #Kherson Oblast.

Approximately 16 thousand people are in the critical zone. The evacuation has already begun.

Source: Kherson Oblast Military Administration
📹: Zelensky
The undermining of #Kakhovka HPP by 🇷🇺 may have negative consequences for #Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, but the situation is under control — Enerhoatom.
#Zelensky has convened the National Security and Defense Council.

#Zaporizhzhya #Kahovka #Kherson
Read 9 tweets

In the aftermath of the ESCALATION in this barbaric invasion, there is only one answer!

The WHOLE civilized world must step up even further, faster and stronger in their support, help and delivery!


The whole world is affected by an old, dement, murdering and destroying civilization bunker boy!

@antonioguterres Immediately actions must be taken
as the ban of @KremlinRussia_E and ALL of his representatives from every UN organization

#RussiaOutOfUN ImageImageImageImage

@NATO speed up every available and possible weapon, weaponsystem, ammunition.

Ukraine must be free of Russian Terrorism

I M M E D I A T E L Y ! ImageImage
Read 10 tweets
#russia arranges not only genocide in #Ukraine, but also ecocide. @StratcomCentre

Invaders consciously and purposefully commit #ecocide - they cannot keep the occupied territories, so they want to leave behind them an uninhabitable land.
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For almost a year of full-scale war:

▶️ the water level in the Kakhov reservoir fell to the lowest level in the last three decades. This endangers the supply of drinking water, agricultural production and the safety of the #ZNPP;
▶️ 20% of nature conservation areas of Ukraine with a total area of ​​about 1 million hectares were affected;

▶️ 2.9 million hectares of the Emerald Network are at risk - territories that need protection at the European level;
Read 5 tweets
Justifier un #ecocide en 2023...@TotalEnergies c'est le cynisme incarné...
La réalité c'est plus de 400 puits (environ 200 000 barils de pétrole/jour),un oléoduc géant de 1445 km de long traversant l'Ouganda et la Tanzanie... Et des populations expulsées et expropriées 1/12 🧵
Plusieurs dizaines milliers de personnes sont expropriées et perdent leurs habitations, leurs terres agricoles, leurs cultures. En échange, les habitants doivent accepter des compensations clairements insuffisantes, sous des pressions et des intimidations…
L'entêtement des neuf familles ayant refusé l'expropriation leur a valu d'être traduites en justice pour "entrave au développement du pays"...…
Read 12 tweets CLIMATE CRISIS ACT NOW MAGISTRATES AND JUDGES WORLDWIDE wherever corrupting criminal justice systems exist. CLIMATE WARRIORS 🐺🐺🐺🌍🌎🌏🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦❤️❤️❤️ Free climate activists who are 'protesting because a corrupt criminal justice system has refused to protect them, their families and others from the greatest act of genocide in history.'
Read 60 tweets
BREAKING #Klokkenluider:
@Enviva - grootste houtverkoper vd wereld (VS) beweerde altijd “goed te zijn voor de planeet” blijkt doorgestoken kaart: 100% hele bomen en illegale kaalkap voor #biomassa (draadje 1-8)
@TimmermansEU @mongabay @jcatanoso #ecocide…
Enviva zegt geen grote, hele bomen te gebruiken - alleen houtafval: “toppen, dunnere takken" voor verbranding in voormalige #kolencentrales in VK, EU en Azië. @Enviva zegt dat deze praktijk dat niet bijdraagt ​​aan #ontbossing maar niets is minder waar.
#biomassa #politiek
In allereerste interviews met klokkenluider van binnenuit @Enviva, hoort @Mongabay-journalist, @jcatanoso dat alle Enviva-claims onjuist zijn. Bovendien blijkt uit nieuwe wetenschappelijke studies dat Enviva structureel bijdraagt ​​aan ontbossing in zuidoost VS.
Read 6 tweets
Chapter 17

of *Psychology of Apocalypse: Ecopsychology, Activism, & the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide*

by Michael Adzema, is titled,

“Prenatal Revulsion Become Phobias & Sexual Abuse, PME 4:”

#psychology #prenatal #anthro #womb #birth

PA 17/1
Chapter 17 is subtitled:

“Prenatal Matrix of Human Evil 4...

“Burning, Irritation, Itchiness, Creepiness, “Makes Skin Crawl,” Dirtiness, OCD, “Ewww,” Rape, Insect Phobia...

““Don’t Bug Me!””

THREAD… #psychology #prenatal #anthro #womb #birth

PA 17/2
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “*Irritated...dirty...“eeew!” Touch, sex, preadolescent “creepiness” & early roots of rape & sexual abuse*” []

READ &/or DW entire BOOK free AT SITE...… #psychology #prenatal #anthro #womb #birth #symbolism #PME4 #gestation

PA 17/3
Read 127 tweets
Chapter 16

of *Psychology of Apocalypse: Ecopsychology, Activism, & the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide*

by Michael Adzema, is titled,

“Prenatal “Poisoning” Become Paranoia & Intolerance, PME 3:”

READ BOOK…… #psychology #prenatal #anthro #womb

PA 16/1
Chapt 16 is subtitled:

“Prenatal Matrix of Human Evil 3...

““Bad Blood,” Disgust, Nauseated, Sickening Become Homophobia, Smoking, Sadism-Masochism, Addictions, Money Fetish, Air & Food Pollution, Propaganda...

““Don’t Feed Me That Bullcrap!””

PA 16/2
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “We’re getting some blood, but is it bad blood? How it manifests in our thinking, in psychosis—food, aliens, & tin foil. “Bad blood” aspects of fetal oxygen hunger…” []

THREAD…… #psychology #prenatal #anthro #womb #birth

PA 16/3
Read 173 tweets
1. Bin gegen die Kriminalisierung der Aktionen der Letzten Generation!

2. Eine Kritik an der Frage von Adressierung ist allerdings gegeben.

Gerade autoritäre Systeme gehen gegen Kunst vor & daher sind Museen als oeffentlicher Raum für Mobilitäts - Freies Leben der falsche Ort
Wenn aktuell auf @dlfkultur o. zuvor bereits bei #JungUndNaiv Aktivisten der Letzten Generation e. medialen Raum für das Gehörtwerden bekommen, während in anderen Bereichen der Krisen - Gesellschaft Menschen seit ueber einem Jahrzehnt nicht gehört werden, wirft dies Fragen auf
Muessen Menschen ernsthaft erst einmal in den offenen zivilen Widerstand gehen, um überhaupt noch als
Diskurstraeger wahrgenommen zu werden?

Es ist richtig & essentiell alles zum Thema #ClimateCrisis & #ecocide wahrzunehmen!

Read 20 tweets
>Ist #Vertrauen gut – oder Kontrolle besser? #OnoraONeill im Gespräch | Sternstunden SRF Kultur<

Siehe #WelttagderPhilosophie
& ebenso >Die Philosophin oder die andere Hälfte des Denkens< als Thementag bei @dlfkultur

#Menschenbild #Buergergeld

Um zu begreifen, weswegen die breit kolportierte Rede v.einer "Arbeit, welche sich nicht mehr lohne" im geplanten #Buergergeld Unsinn ist & nur als Kampagne inhaltlich verortet werden kann, muss begriffen werden, wofür das #SGBII steht

#CDUCSU betreiben #Täuschung

Die Art und Weise wie #CDUCSU suggerieren, alles was in der Welt, bzw. #Realpolitik getan wird, kann durch Einzelpersonen ausgeglichen werden, ist die erste Etappe diskursiver Täuschung!

#Transparenz von #Institutionen & #Gesetzgebung bilden existentielle Rahmenbedingungen
Read 27 tweets
Chapter 15

of *Psychology of Apocalypse: Ecopsychology, Activism, & the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide*

by Michael Adzema, is titled,

“Prenatal Oxygen Hunger Become Bigotry & Racism, PME 2:”

READ THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK…… #womb

PA 15/1
Chapter 15 is subtitled:

“Prenatal Matrix of Human Evil 2...

“Deprivation Become Jealousy, Anti-Semitism, Xenophobia, Blood Libel, Anti-Immigration, Vampire Symbolism, Capitalism...

““Please, Mother, Might I Have Some More?””

THREAD… #psyche

PA 15/2
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…in ‘evolved’ economic systems, we make certain we will not feel relief from the threat of lack (oxygen starvation/ fetal malnutrition): For we insist on a ‘dog eat dog’ competitive system like capitalism,..” []


PA 15/3
Read 107 tweets
Chapter 14

of *Psychology of Apocalypse: Ecopsychology, Activism, & the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide*

by Michael Adzema, is titled,

“Prenatal Suffocation Become Greed & Class War, PME 2:”

READ THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK

THREAD… #womb

PA 14/1
Chapter 14 is subtitled:

“Prenatal Matrix of Human Evil 2...

“Gasping, Suffocation, Drowning, Being “Cut Off” Become Greed, Oppression, Conformity...

““They’re Sucking the Very ‘Life Blood’ Out of Us!””

READ BOOK> #psychology #prenatal #anthro

PA 14/2
[Quotes/highlights:] “The timelessness of prenatal experience at this point—when not getting enough air—feels horrific, an unending nightmare. This part contributes to human ideas of places of forever, endless suffering, for example, hell.” []…

PA 14/3
Read 134 tweets
>Maggie Thatcher hatte recht - Es gibt nur Individuen, keine Gesellschaft<



was soll dieser Unsinn?

Nach all den Auswirkungen von 2 Jahrzehnten neoliberaler #Realpolitik & dem daraus resultierenden Rechtsruck grabt Ihr so etwas aus?…
Wer den #Begriff #Gesellschaft gebraucht bedient gemäß dieser Frau Schneider die Narrative des "Sozialismus"?

Sind wir medial in der selektiven #Berichterstattung des zeitgemäßen #Journalismus nun vollständig im #Trumpismus angekommen?
Ist #Soziologie Ausdruck von "Sozialismus!? ❓

Ist unser #Grundgesetz Ausdruck und Manifestation von" #Sozialismus" ❓❗
Read 30 tweets
‼️Breaking ‼️

The French High Council for Climate @hc_climat released its assessment of the so-called agreement in principle on the modernization of the ecocide Energy Charter Treaty #ECT
According to @hc_climat
1- The timeline for the phase out of protection of foreign investment in fossil fuels proposed by the EU does not match with the timeline for thé decarbonisation of 🇫🇷
2-The proposed text for modernisation is not compatible with #ParisAgreement
3-The proposed text for modernization does not fully eliminate the risk of new #isds claims related to #FossilFuels
4-A withdrawal from the #ECT is the only possible option to implement #ParisAgreement
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Forcibly bringing awareness of the impending uninhabitability of earth into spaces that aren't designated for political discussion -- spaces which can easily be tuned out & ignored -- is infuriating to those who're determined to block it out & avoid a sense of day-to-day urgency.
Earlier this week, a #climatecollapse protest was held in a museum. Today, it's at a car company. And tomorrow?

What really concerns the people most infuriated about these early-stage protests is that it will reach into *their* lives, shake them up, & make them NEED to change.
They see how the media calls these #ClimateEmergency activists terrorists, & they see how a cowardly public echoes those calls. Nobody wants to be a target of that kind of hate, however unjustified.

Being made to feel the sense of urgency that could cause them to stand up? 😬😱
Read 11 tweets
“Chapter 2, Truth’s Solitary Journey:

“War, Nukes, & the Media…
“the Comfortable Ignorance of Grade School Propaganda Gone Forever”

Quotes/Highlights THREAD

From *Culture War Class War 2022: Truth & Generations*

by M. Adzema

(pub 9/22)…

CW22Q 2/1
Quotes/Highlights THREAD

From *Culture War Class War 2022:

*Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema

(available on website now & to be published Sept 2022)

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE...

READ BOOK… #Midterms #media #press #FBR

CW22Q 2/2
[Quotes/highlights:] “… when I had my first personal experience with a major national lie at the age of 19—one that involved an obvious collusion of State Dept, Dept of Defense, & all the major newspapers in America—I was shaken.”


CW22Q 2/3
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I welcome Eric's attempt to understand American society, although I can't really relate to it. It's no good leaving it to social scientists, who haven't a clue, despite it being their supposed area of academic expertise.
I too have put a lot of effort into trying to understand my own & closely related societies like America, i.e. the West, which are the only ones I know anything about.

My most important insight is that the academics we look to as authorities on understanding society don't.
That may seem trivial, but it's not, because we look to academics as authorities in their particular areas of supposed expertise, & for good reason.

We look to astronomers to explain the heavens to us, which they can now do extremely well.
Read 7 tweets
@bmay @ChrisJTree @apes4forests @Gussets99 @griffjane @orangutans Brendan - you haven't read beyond the playbook of the #palmoil industry.

A report from 71 NGOS shows the @RSPOtweets FAILS to stop palm oil #humanrights abuses #deforestation from entering the EU.
Via @milieudefensie for @EU_Commission
@bmay @ChrisJTree @apes4forests @Gussets99 @griffjane @orangutans @RSPOtweets @milieudefensie @EU_Commission If u are asking Brendan for the average consumer to have faith in the rampantly corrupt #palmoil industry - the answer is NO @WHO reports that the #palmoil industry is akin to the alcohol and tobacco lobby in their report #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife…
@bmay @ChrisJTree @apes4forests @Gussets99 @griffjane @orangutans @RSPOtweets @milieudefensie @EU_Commission @WHO Here's a thread about @NutellaGlobal/ @Ferrero_EU and how they sponsor school "education" programmes through @ChesterZoo about "sustainable" palm oil, all while continuing with child #slavery, #deforestation for palm oil.
Read 5 tweets
So you're ready to take some #ClimateAction...but don't know where to start?

Here's some 'pick and mix' ideas! The #IPCCReport2021 says ALL action counts so start where you are, do what you can 🧵👇
Fill your newsfeed with solutions, not doom mongering! It'll keep your eco anxiety at bay and help you have constructive, inspiring and action-sparking conversations. Recommended: @EthicalHourNews @PositiveNewsUK @HappyEcoNews
Read @ProjectDrawdown to understand that we have all the solutions to the #ClimateEmergency - we just need the political will to make them happen.

No time for the book? Here's the TED Talk!…
Read 42 tweets

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